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Vernon Park Church of God was founded in 1955 while headquartered in a garage by Pastors Claude and Addie Wyatt on the Southside of Chicago

Contact Info

1975 E. Joe Orr Road Lynwood, IL 60411


September is National Childhood Obesity Awarebess Month

Obesity in children and adolescents is the most prevalent

chronic disease which affects approximately 18.5% of US children age 2-17 years old. Accompanying the increased rate of obesity is the rising presence of multiple medical conditions including hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic liver disease. A child or adolescent with obesity is 70% more likely to struggle with their weight as an adult; making it imperative to diagnose and treat obesity in pediatric patients to prevent progression into adulthood. Factors that influence obesity include genetics, eating patterns, physical activity levels, access to health care, and sleep routines. Also, conditions where we live, learn, play and the disproportionate affect obesity has on Hispanic and African American children and adolescents makes healthy eating and getting enough physical activity difficult. Though there is no one solution to addressing obesity, there are many ways parents and caregivers can help children have a healthy weight and set up lifelong healthy habits at home. 

For more ways families can help prevent obesity, please visit


