Mission & Vision
1. PURPOSE: Why does VPCOG exist?
Our PURPOSE is to reflect God's presence in our community during our generation, to demonstrate His Love daily, and adhere to His Word in practice and praise.
2. MISSION: What is VPCOG's mission?
Vernon Park Church of God is committed to loving God, loving others, and serving others.
3. DIFFERENCE: What makes VPCOG different from other churches in your community?
Vernon Park Church of God brings a unique blend of historical legacy to the Lynwood community. VPCOG has more than a 67-year historical track record that includes local, national and international impact of spreading the gospel. From the early 50's, VP has shared the love of God to residents of Chicago's south-side. The church's contribution to the Civil Rights Movement as well as the fight for Women's rights throughout the 60's has continued throughout the decades. And today's version of VPCOG combines that legacy with a new vision of holistic ministry and community development.

Jerald January, Sr


“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”
Our Ministries

The Beautification Ministry takes pride and pleasure INSPIRING PEOPLE through visual improvements; wonderful decorations; and appealing embellishments Our

Christian Education
Christian Education Ministry provides Christian education and learning opportunities for Church membership surrounding an evolving faith in Jesus

Comfort Ministry
Mission Statement: To be servants of God by providing compassionate and loving assistance to bereaved members with words

Deacon Board
Mission statement – Committed to loving God, loving and serving others. Ministering with a purpose: Managing with results,

Financial Ministry
President- Angelyn Vanderbilt Mission Statement: The Vernon Park Church of God Financial Ministry exists to assist in building

FREE Ministry
“All are worthy of another chance, we are willing, to lend a helping hand.” Facilitator: Peter Mullings

Green Team
Our Mission: The VPCOG Green Team will promote environmental stewardship to members of the church through education, training

Health & Wellness Ministry
The Health and Wellness Ministry is an organization within the Vernon Park Church of God that is committed

Hospitality ~ Welcome Ministry
OUR MISSION . . . And to serve the Lord as we give of ourselves by tending to

Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Purpose of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry is to intercede to God constantly on behalf of VPCOG members,

Justice Ministry
MISSION The Vernon Park Church of God Justice Ministry seeks to fulfill the requirements of our Lord to

Kitchen ~ Welcome Ministry
Vernon Park Church of God Kitchen Ministry The Kitchen Ministry exists to serve the Ministries of Vernon Park

Life Ministry
Mission Statement: The LIFE (Living In Faith Everyday) ministry exists to empower widows/widowers of Vernon Park Church Of

Marriage Ministry
The Marriage Enrichment Ministry of Vernon Park Church of God exists to add greater value and significance to

Media Ministry
As Vernon Park shares the word of God, the media ministry makes sure the message and events are

Men of Destiny
Men of Destiny Aubrey “Coach V” Volious – Chair Charles Cain – Co-Chair Paul Austin – Treasure We

Missions Ministry
Full Name: Vernon Park Church of God Domestic & International Ministry Co-Facilitators: Minister Sharyn Dyer & Pastor Quincy Dyer Description: The

Music Ministry
VERNON PARK MUSIC MINISTRY **PURPOSE** The purpose of the VPCOG Music Ministry is to share the gospel of

New Members Ministry
New Members Ministry The New Members Ministry sets forth to provide a streamlined experience for those transitioning into

Scholarship & Education Ministry
Description: To support and encourage our members to pursue excellence throughout their educational endeavors as they walk in

Sign Language Ministry (ASL)
The purpose of the Vernon Park Church of God Sign Language Ministry is to reveal the God of

Special Events Committee
The business of the Special Events Committee is to touch the hearts of all VPCOG Members and thereby

Usher Board
Psalm 84:10 Ushers in the tabernacle and temple were called doorkeepers. The psalmist understood the importance of ushers

Watchmen Ministry
Watchmen ministry To secure the safety of anyone entering or existing the campus grounds. To enforce the rules

Women of Purpose
Women of Purpose (WOP) is transforming the lives of women by equipping them with the tools to be

Youth & Children’s Ministry
Pastor Frank Miller – Youth & Children’s Pastor Min. Dawn Hatchett – Director of Children’s Ministry Ministry Description:
1975 E. Joe Orr Road Lynwood, IL 60411
1975 E. Joe Orr Road Lynwood, IL 60411